5 Reasons Why Rainbowfish Are Schooling Fish

Rainbowfish are a type of fish that prefer to live in schools. This is because they feel more secure and removed from the chaos of the wild.

The study found that rainbowfish living in school are healthier, faster and have more energy than those living in individual tanks.

They can be very interesting to watch as they move through the water in search of food. This indicates their schooling behavior, which is when they live in groups and learn new behaviors.

Some scientists believe that this schooling behavior may be related to the colors of the rainbow, which can help individuals find food and protect themselves from predators.

Rainbowfish Are Schooling Fish

Rainbowfish: Habitat, Feed, Size, Shape & Appearance

Rainbowfish are small, colorful, and energetic creatures that are found in tropical locations. Like other types of fish, they have a skeleton, breathe through gills, and require oxygen to survive.

They have been known to occasionally be kept in tanks in pet shops or aquariums, so you could even take some in your home’s fish tank.


Rainbowfish are found in many different habitats around the world. Some of their favorite places to live include rivers and lakes, while others prefer more open water habitats.

In general, rainbowfish are very social fish and enjoy swimming in large groups.

They thrive in areas with a strong current and plenty of oxygen. They are also capable of living in areas with very low water pressure.

Feeding Habit

Rainbowfish are omnivores and require a balanced diet of both plant and animal matter for optimal growth.

They are capable of consuming high-quality flakes and pellets, but they also require some vegetables to get energy. So, You can feed them packaged or live food.

In addition, you can feed them frozen or freeze-dried food such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and small insects.

As Carnivores, rainbowfish predominantly feed on animal material that floats on the water’s surface, including floating vegetation, insects, small crustaceans, mosquito larvae, and plankton.


Most rainbowfish have a lifespan of 5 to 8 years, but some species can live up until 11 years in captivity.

Basically small rainbows have a shorter lifespan than larger specimens.

The threadfin, celebes, and forktail rainbowfish all have a life span shorter than five years. The maintenance of the aquarium from time to time will help rainbowfish live long.


The largest known rainbowfish is Van Heurn’s rainbowfish, which grows to 7.9 inches in length. Female fishes are usually bigger than males.

Seventy species of rainbowfish are classified in different family groups. Their bodies are on average around 4.5 to 6.5 inches long, and they have thin bodies.


Rainbowfish may be different colors, depending upon the kinds of organism.

The most typical rainbowfish have silvery, blue-green bodies with pink bellies and clear or red-orange fins.

The dorsal fins of rainbowfish are typically vibrant, and their skin color grows more beautiful in all stages as they mature. Males are more popular when in spawning mode.

Are Rainbowfish Schooling Fish

Rainbowfish by nature schooling fish. They live in large schools in the wild to guard themselves from lurking predators and feed for consumption.

They often live in schools in their natural habitat. They behave in the same manner in the aquarium also.

In captivity, rainbowfish thrive in groups of eight or more and prefer to school with their own kind. They rarely stay out of school and swim in the open sea.

But if they are keeping in a small group that can exert pressure on them. Thus they should be maintained in groups of at least six members, with the highest number recommended to be not less than 10-15.

Reasons Rainbowfish Prefer To Live In Schools

1. Protection

Rainbowfish use schools as a defense mechanism against attacking predators in the wild. In the wild, there are many predators that could potentially kill a Rainbowfish.

By living in schools, the rainbowfish can protect themselves from these predators.

A large, tight and disciplined pattern through schooling is the best way to reduce the chance of being attacked by giant fishes. They are better prepared to defend its turf from attackers.

Therefore it aids the survival rate of young fish which may be easy prey for predators.

2. Communication

Schooling can help improve communication among the members of a school. When one rainbowfish in the school senses danger, it immediately alerts other members through sound signals. This allows for safer schooling and more effective teamwork.

Alerting the school is an essential part of safety precautions. It allows the school to take action quickly and coordinate with other members of the community.

This allows for a more effective response to any potential threats.

3. Enhance Swimming capability

Swimming in groups is seen as a more efficient way to move around in the water. This is because each fish in a group takes on the energy of the group collectively.

It has been scientifically proven that schooling fish use less energy when swimming in groups than when they swim alone. Schooling also help to enhance the health performance of the fish

4. Searching Food

The search for food is one of the most important activities that aquatic creatures perform in their natural environment.

Food is a primary concern for these creatures because it provides them with the sustenance they need to survive.

Schooling helps boost a group’s searching success compared to a solitary fish searching for food.

This is because the chances of finding food are higher when a group is working together.

Moreover schooling is minimizing time spent feeding thus it helps greatly reduce the threat of giant fish attack.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

How many rainbow fish should be kept together?

Rainbowfish should be kept in groups of six or more people for best results. Males compete to attract the attention of females, and they will achieve the most vibrant colors.

Pseudo mugilids and Threadfin Rainbows are docile and often nervous, so selecting the tank mates carefully is essential.

Which fish is better with rainbow fish?

Angelfish make excellent tank mates for Rainbowfish and are recommended for aquariums with larger capacities. Bear in mind that the water temperature must remain above 82 °F.

Angelfish are great tank mates for Rainbowfish, as they do not play well with other fish of the same kind.

Do rainbowfish like high flow?

Rainbowfish love areas of moderate flow or where there is little to no flow. Which offers cognitive and physical benefits for the fish. The highly oxygenated water will help reduce stress and improve the fish’s health.

What is the most special thing about rainbowfish?

The gorgeous, shining, and colorful Rainbow Fish belongs to the Sea. Formerly, the Rainbow Fish enjoyed showing off his beautiful, shining scales more than anything else.

When requested to hand over their beautiful scales by a blue fish, they refused. The blue fish is so harmed by the Rainbow Fishes’ refusal to share that they don’t desire to be around Rainbows anymore.

Are All Rainbowfish Schooling Fish?

There are many different types of rainbowfish, but the majority of them are schooling fish. It means that they’re often found swimming in large schools in their natural place of residence.

While this is great for the fish, it can also be a threat to predators that are looking to take them down. So They live in groups and swim in the wild in the same way they do in captivity.

Final Words

Rainbowfish schooling fish that like to dwell close together and thrive together as a group within the natural environment.

They have a tendency to stick together in schools of their own kind. Rainbowfish of various species can live together within a stable team.

Their living behavior helps them to be healthy and attack free from the preadators.

However, while forming a school, rainbowfish favor other members of the same species.