Rainbowfish are one of the more popular types of fish in the pet market, and there are some good reasons behind it . They are hardy, playful, and relatively easy to keep.
However, some people may be hesitant to keep them with other types of fish because they are known to be territorial.
They are not herbivorous fish who just depend entirely on detritus and plant matter for nutrition.
Their diet list also includes both meat and non skeletal creatures. Thus it can be said that they are omnivores, which means that they eat insects, small crustaceans, worms, and plant matter.
In this article, I will share with you Can Rainbowfish Live With Shrimp?

Can Rainbowfish Live With Shrimp?
Rainbowfish are omnivorous and eat insects, larva, small crustaceans, and plant matter in the wild. So they will eat small shrimp if they are given the opportunity.
Rainbowfish have a wide variety of food sources that can be fed to them.
Aquarists who feed their fish live food or frozen brine shrimp for higher nutrition have seen better growth rates and better health.
Large shrimp may also damage the filtration system of the tank. If you decide to keep shrimp in your tank, make sure that they are fully grown and not young or small.
Shrimp are delicate creatures that can be easily injured. Adult shrimp can grow to be bigger than the rainbowfish, and they may try to eat the fish.
Do Rainbowfish Eat Shrimp?
Keeping shrimp in a tank with rainbowfish can be risky for both the shrimp and the fish.
Shrimp can be added to a tank before introducing rainbowfish, as they will become more accommodating.
Furthermore, aquarists who believe in this method say that it helps to establish a strong relationship between the fish and shrimp.
Why Do Rainbowfish Cannot Live With Shrimp?
Rainbowfish are popular among aquarists because of their interesting color and uniqueness.
They are native to tropical and subtropical waters, but they can be found in many different parts of the world.
They commonly get along well with other fish in a community aquarium, but can be territorial in smaller tanks.
They are peaceful fish that are found in community aquariums. These fish are not difficult to care for, but they do require regular water changes and a varied diet.
Basically they are not true herbivores, but they do eat small invertebrates and meat as part of their diet. Here are few reasons why they can’t live with shrimp.
Omnivorous fish
These fish are omnivorous and enjoy a wide variety of food items.
They can be found in freshwater habitats, where they eat insects, small crustaceans, and zooplankton.
So it’s important to find a diet that will fit their preferences. One option is to feed these fish high-quality flakes or pellets.
These foods are both high in protein and provide them with all the nutrients they need.
They can be a threat to your aquarium shrimp. When they’re small, they eat small shrimp, but when they get bigger, they’ll eat any fish in the aquarium.
If you have a small shrimp in your tank, it’s best to keep them behind a fence or in another container where they can’t reach them.
Create anxiety
Rainbowfish and shrimp are two of the quickest-moving creatures in the tank.
They move around constantly, darting between objects and swimming quickly to get where they need to go. However, shrimp’s swimming ability is not as fast as that of fish.
The fast-moving rainbowfish can strain the shrimp in two ways. First, they can move rapidly around the shrimp’s space, which can make it difficult for them to stay still.
Second, they can swim close to the shrimp, which can cause them to feel crowded and stressed.
Territorial behavior
Rainbowfish become territorial during the breeding season. If a shrimp is in the area where the rainbowfish is defending its territory, there is a good chance of a confrontation.
The shrimp may be eaten, or injured if it is not kept carefully.
Besides, female rainbowfish hide their eggs in vegetation. On the other side, shrimp shelter them from predators when they have dense vegetation too.
So it should come as no surprise that they are often in conflict with one another.
Unfortunately, this often means that the two species will confront each other during the breeding season.
Eat anything
Shrimp are opportunistic eaters capable of ingesting anything that they can get into their mouths.
Any edible food, including fish eggs, is acceptable for them. Shrimp aren’t whatever you think about as being suitable for a breeding tank.
Often, fish owners have reported cases where some shrimp species ate fish fry. Thus, shrimp aren’t a suitable fish for a breeding tank in that circumstance.
Best Rainbowfish Tank Mates
Tetra fish
Tetra fish are usually common, colorful, and medium-sized fish that come from Africa, Central America, and South America.
A wide variety of tetra species are housed comfortably in an aquarium, and they are extremely sociable.
They typically become very ill when separated from others. Average lifespan of a Tetra is 5-10 years, and the bigger the species, the longer it will last. Their grow rate is 1.52 to inches.
Guppies are rather simple to look after, which makes them one of the most popular pet fish.
They are quiet and social, which makes them well suited for both indoor and outdoor environments.
Guppies originated in South America, but now spread all over the world.Basically their lifespan is more than 2 years.
Male guppies growth rate is 1.4 inches, while female species groth rate is 2.4 inches.
Mollies are an easygoing sort of fish that inhabit both North and South America. The mating process is responsible for spawning countless new varieties.
Mollies average lifespan is 3 to 5 years old but grow to be 4 and 4.5 inches up to 6 inches depending on the species.
The catfish that adapt to rainbowfish are Corydoras, Otocinclus, and Suckermouth. They are happiest hiding at the bottom of the aquarium.
Most catfish originate in South America, Asia, and Africa.
Corydoras can live 12 to 15 years and their growth rate is on average 2.5 inches. Otocinclus live 3 to 5 years and their growth rate is 1 to 2 inches.
Suckermouth catfish can live up to 10 to 15 years and growth rate is 2 to 15 inches in an aquarium.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Question)
What is the smallest rainbow fish?
Dwarf Rainbow Fish are well known for their large eyes and relative small size.
Compared to other Rainbow Fish that usually reach 4 or more inches, the Dwarf Rainbow will only reach about 2 inches.
Female Dwarf Rainbows typically have yellow fins and are somewhat smaller than the males with more prominent silver scales.
Will rainbow sharks eat shrimp?
Thus far, rainbow sharks have a tendency to be especially aggressive towards engaging shrimp species, but rainbow sharks adapt to shrimp well because these tiny animals will not stand up for themselves or give the rainbow shark trouble when it comes to searching for food.
In addition, shrimps are so small, rainbow sharks may have difficulty locating them anytime soon.
Are Rainbow fish hard to keep?
Rainbowfish are easy to care for because their adaptability, peacefulness, and resistance to a variety of water conditions make it easy to care for.
These fish don’t mind living in groups of five or six and thrive in water tanks that imitate their natural environment in the wild. They subsist upon vegetables and meat.
Can threadfin rainbowfish live with shrimp?
As an adult, this species may be kept with other shrimp species if it grows in the same tank, but it may still exhibit hostile tendencies.
But it is recommended that shrimp be kept in a separate aquarium from ours in order to reduce certain aspects of risk.
What can rainbow sharks live with?
Rainbow shark has the compatibility to love with barbs and rainbowfish. It can also coexist with other fish such as loaches, plecos, rasboras, and gouramis in the genus Rasbora.
Rainbow sharks can be kept with larger freshwater shrimp that are of the family Stomatopodidae, however their offspring can be devoured by the shark.
How can you tell if shrimp are happy?
Shrimp ordinarily become energetic around feeding time, displaying excellent indicators of health happiness.
Feeding time is actually the best time to examine your shrimp for your proof of their wellness.
Irrespective of where the algae is in the tank, as soon as they begin feeding, they’ll still eat.
Final Words
Rainbowfish are a popular fish in home aquariums, but some people have wondered if they can live with shrimp. yes they can, but they have to take some necessary steps before.
First, be sure to have the right tank size for both the rainbowfish and the shrimp. A tank that is too small will cause stress for the fish and may lead to territorial behavior.